‘Ndatara’ means ‘I am looking’ in Oshiwambo, a local dialect of northern Namibia and southern Angola. The name is fitting to the company’s mission of providing high quality research and analysis that is Africa focused. Our team of experts offer a unique blend of skills in applied research, data analytics, discrete choice modelling, choice experiment design, survey programming and survey translation across a wide array of specialist fields. We also offer respondent recruitment, survey translation, and data collection services across the wider African continent.

Dr. Abisai Konstantinus
DIRECTORPhD: Transport Engineering
MSc: Shipping Management
MPhil: Shipping Law
Dipl: Statistics with R
ND: Maritime Studies
Abisai is the founder and CEO of Ndatara. He is an ex-mariner and avid choice modeller with 15 years combined experience in logistics, shipping and ports.

Dr. Flavio Souza
DIRECTOR: Consumer InsightsPost Doc: Choice Modeling
PhD: Marketing
MPhil: Consumer Behaviour
MPhil: Psychology
BA: Business Administration
Flavio is a marketing strategy specialist by trade and the founder of Arbitrium. He has 10 years combined experience in choice modeling.

Dr. Iyaloo Konstantinus
MSc: Virology
Hon: Genetics
BSc: Human Physiology
BSc: Psychology & Genetics
Iyaloo is a virologist and a public health specialist with 11 years experience in diagnostics, public health and pharmaceuticals.

Ben White
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORBen is the founder of the SurveyEngine Group of companies, SurveyEngine P/L, SurveyEngine GmbH.

Dr Akshay Vij
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORAkshay is currently a senior research fellow at the Institute for Choice, University of South Australia.

Ludwig Butler
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORLudwig is co-founder of SurveyEngine GmbH. He has a background in Health Economics and Environmental Valuation.

Aili Shigwedha
TECHNICAL SUPPORTAili has 15 years combined experience in academia, project management, ICT, and telecommunication infrastructures.